Sunday, January 27, 2008

Week Three

I honestly and truely hate cold and flu season. We are starting week three of sickness - Porter had a nasty cough and congestion with a fever two weeks ago; so bad that he had to miss two days of school. Then just as soon as he got well, Andrew ended up coughing and with a stuffy nose and was quite onry for all of last week. And just now that he's looking better, Zach is starting to cough and has a stuffy nose. And I was just marveling the days before Porter was sick how lucky I was to not have any sick children. Hopefully it will end quickly with Zach and we can kiss the cold bug good-bye for a long time. Luckily, Rhett and I had been able to stay healthy (knock on wood). I guess I should be grateful that a cough and stuffy nose is all they have; nevertheless, I prefer the boys healthy. I'm just going to pray that the warm weather and springtime come quickly this year.

On a more somber note, I am so sad to hear our prophet, Gordon B. Hinkley passed away tonight. What a wonderful, wonderful man. I pray that I can be but a fraction of the person that he was. And I'm overjoyed to know that he is with his wife again; the way he would talk about her after her passing, you could tell he missed her dearly. I'm sure it was a sweet reunion.

I think I'm done planning for preschool tomorrow - we are going to be learning about circles and the number zero. It's so fun to be with those little people. I better get to bed so I can get up early to work out tomorrow - I'm still going!! I'm starting to get bored already, but I'm trying to push through it. Any suggestions??


MOANA said...

Hi Stephanie, you don't know me but when both know Jana Perkins. I hope you don't mind the fact that I am commenting on your post. You asked if anyone has any suggestions with work outs and getting bored. I don't know if you have an ipod or the like but there is a great free podcast called Podrunner that is really great. The music is mixed so that it is set to a certain amount of beats per minute. Each episode is set to a different beats per minute so that you can select and maintain your target heart rate through your workout. I have been using it for a week now and I am enjoying it very much. Its like having a metronome to work out to. It helps me to keep up the pace and my heart rate for an entire hour. I started out at about 131 bpm and am now up to about 151. For me it motivates me and helps me with that middle part that you need help pushing through. Hope that helps, sorry for being so forward!!

Jodi said...

Yikes! Sounds like you guys have a had a horrible run of things. Hope everyone gets better soon and is done with it for the next year. Nothing is worse than having a sick kid - let alone 3 in a row. I guess it could be worse... My sister called today and told me that her daughter has scabies!